What’s big and gay and fun to lick? Get your mind out of the gutter! It’s Big Gay Ice Cream, the only place I know of that has frozen treats named after Golden Girls characters. (The Dorothy is vanilla soft serve topped with crushed Nilla wafers.)
Big Gay Ice Cream started in a food truck in New York City. It became so popular that founders Douglas Quint and Bryan Petroff opened a store in the West Village. You can now find several locations in New York and Philadelphia. You’ll also find BGIC on teevee (it has been featured on quite a few programs) and in bookstores (the cookbook is subtitled “Saucy Stories & Frozen Treats: Going All the Way with Ice Cream: A Cookbook, and, of course, the Complimentary Spouse and I have a copy.)
While the Dorothy is good, my fave is the Rocky Roadhouse: vanilla soft serve smothered with chocolate, almonds, and marshmallows. That’s what the handsome chubby guy in the top photo is eating. Britt likes the Monday Sundae because it contains both Nutella and dulce de leche.