
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Born This They

The singular they β€” that is, using the pronoun β€œthey” as a non-gendered alternative for β€œhe” or β€œshe” β€” isn’t a new invention. In fact, it first emerged in English in the Fourteenth Century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Next time you hear someone raising a fuss about the singular they β€” β€œit sounds weird” is the complaint I hear frequently β€” point out that the usage predates the printing press, the newspaper, and even Shakespeare.

Bonus fact: β€œYou” used to be a plural pronoun. The singular pronoun was β€œthee” or β€œthou,” words that disappeared ages ago from English. Just more proof that language is a living thing that grows and adapts just as society does.