Trying to Wrap My Head Around Machu Picchu
If you overthink Machu Picchu, it warps your brain. But when have I ever underthought something? Let’s go warping.
Traveling Violation
I *usually* give awesome travel advice. But, every once in a while, I’m an insufferable, overly critical schmuck. Sorry. I’m working on it.
How I Feel About Stoicism
I recently finished Ryan Holiday’s “The Obstacle Is the Way,” a very popular self-help book about modern stoicism, and I’m scratching my head. It’s a good book — I highlighted many passages that seemed written expressly for me — but I disagree with the premise. The author seems to say that…
Acceptance, Change, and Me
I have been thinking lately about how difficult it is to balance radical acceptance and self-growth. It has always been a challenge for me, and I’m willing to bet for many others, because the two concepts seem to have disparate objectives. First, some definitions. Radical acceptance is the ability to…
Meditation Observations
Today is the 500th day in a row that I’ve meditated. To celebrate, I’d like to share five hundred things I’ve learned: There are infinite ways to meditate: I like guided mindfulness meditation, but there’s no end of things to try if you’re interested. It’s always useful, even when it…
There Is Nothing Either Good or Bad, but Thinking Makes it So
I don’t have a successful relationship with self-help books. When I pick one up, it’s either because the name catches my eye — “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” comes to mind — or I hear about it from a friend. If the book resonates with me, I’ll…
Author, Author
I tend to read two books at a time — one serious, one fun — because that’s just how I roll. A few weeks ago, I was delighted to discover that both books I was reading shared a similar, and important, message. First, from “Hola Papi” by John Paul Brammer:…
Negative Self-Talk? English Major to the Rescue!
Everyone has good and bad days.1 On my bad days, I find it hard to silence that little disparaging voice in my head. While I haven’t been able to make that whiny putz shut up, I have been able to lessen his impact. The trick is to use the right…
The Case Against Passion
Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. I’ve heard that cliché for longer than I can remember, and it has always rubbed me the wrong way. To me — in fact, I’d bet, to a lot of people in the workforce — this saying sounds…
Four Lives. Four Tragedies.
Two New York Times stories about suicide recently caught my attention. The first has to do with the Vessel, the 16-story staircase sculpture at Hudson Yards. Britt and I went there in June 2019, the day before WorldPride. It was closed because of rainy weather, but we were able to…