Break out the champagne! This is the 500th post on the Daily Dave, the world’s foremost Dave-related blog.1 Since my first short post on Jan. 10, 2021, I’ve written and rambled about topics I find interesting and important. I hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far.
Here are five of my favorite posts from the past 1,258 days.2
How We Tied the Knot
When the Complimentary Spouse and I met, marriage was inconceivable. We’re celebrating our 16th anniversary this year. Here’s how we got from there to here.
More posts about Britt and me:
- Mind your I’s and E’s: Why I call Britt the Complimentary Spouse. (It’s not a typo.)
- Presentando a mi Media Naranja: Why I don’t call Britt mi esposo in Spanish.
A Wildly Inaccurate Guide to Chicago Architecture
When you can’t remember the details, just make up a bunch of funny shit.
More posts about travel:
- Oops, I Madrid It Again: A guide to one of the world’s greatest cities, written by your favorite honorary Madrileňo.
- Around the World in 80 Department Stores (Well, Actually Just 12): Harrod’s sucks. There, I said it.
- Into the Vortex: A skeptic visits Sedona.
- I Love to Get High: Some observations about observation decks.
There Is Nothing Either Good or Bad, but Thinking Makes it So
After David Burns (author of “Feeling Good”) passed away, I reflected on what Cognitive Behavioral Therapy means to me.
Some related posts:
- How I Feel About Stoicism: I’m not a fan.
- A Flowbituary for Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: An appreciation for the master of flow.
My Out at Office Message
I’ve written quite a bit about LGBTQ issues,3 but this is one of the best. It’s about my journey as a gay professional.
A few more LGBTQ posts:
- Lessons From a Pink-Stained Wretch: What I learned as the only out reporter at the Tribune.
- We’re Not Here: LGBTQ Representation in My Childhood: A concert got me thinking about how LGBTQ people were vilified, lampooned, ignored, or worse when I was growing up.
- Three Words for Allies to Live By: Empathy, education, and advocacy.
Of course, don’t forget to check out Gayskool: A new post every day in Pride Month.
The Best Laid Plans of Dogs and Men
Our secret mission in Havana didn’t go as expected.
Here’s another doggo post you may enjoy: Happy Linus Day. It’s about how the little red rascal joined Britt, Lucy, and me.
- This is actually the third or fourth iteration of the Daily Dave. I started the first version on Blogger in 2002. I think of those versions as trial runs or pilot episodes. What you’re reading now is the real deal. ↩︎
- If you’re good at math (like the Complimentary Spouse), you’ll notice that the Daily Dave isn’t quite so daily. The average is a post every 2.5 days. I’m not changing the name of the blog, though. The Dailyish Dave doesn’t have the same ring. ↩︎
- Which should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody. ↩︎