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  • On the Beaten Path

    On the Beaten Path

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    After a few months of treading lightly, my sprained foot is finally on the mend. To celebrate, I finally made my way back to Bayshore Boulevard to see the sunrise. I’m still not up for running so I just walked… Keep reading …

  • Golden Hour

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    Here’s a little video my iPhone made from me. Enjoy these photos of golden hours from around the world — Madrid, Havana, Viña Del Mar, Sydney … but mostly right here in Tampa! Keep reading …

  • A Helluva Town

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    I had a few days in New York last week and made two videos. The first is from Central Park, where I didn’t get very far because it was below freezing. If you’re familiar with the park, you’ll note that… Keep reading …

  • Life Underground

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    I’ve written twice before about whimsy — once about Sarasota, and once about Havana — and now I have more whimsy to share. I saw these little figures in the 14th Street/8th Avenue Subway station in New York. The bronze… Keep reading …

  • It’s All Greek to Me

    It’s All Greek to Me

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    When the Complimentary Spouse and I want a change of scenery and some delicious Greek food, we head to Tarpon Springs. This part of the Tampa Bay area was settled by Greek immigrants who worked as sponge divers, and they’ll… Keep reading …

  • The Art of War

    The Art of War

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    I haven’t written much on the Daily Dave recently because it seems inappropriate to do something frivolous when people are dying in Ukraine. Suddenly, telling people what I’m wearing every day doesn’t seem proper. (And, anyway, it’s almost always a… Keep reading …

  • People Do Like the Way The Four Questions Say “Ham”

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing a pink shark shirt. Yeah, a pink shark shirt. Got a problem with that? What is making Dave happy today? Dave completed an important project and is excited to present it on… Keep reading …

  • Never Tell The Four Questions the Odds

    Never Tell The Four Questions the Odds

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is ready for tonight’s symphony in a short-sleeve button-down shirt and chinos. This is pretty formal for Florida. What is making Dave happy today? Dave and the Complimentary Spouse are enjoying a drink outside… Keep reading …

  • чотири питання

    чотири питання

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing nothing out of the ordinary today: just a polo shirt and shorts. What is making Dave happy today? Dave isn’t happy today. He’s been quite distraught since he turned on the teevee… Keep reading …

  • The Four Questions Got Me in Love Again

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing a black polo shirt and a pair of shorts. What is making Dave happy today? Dave is very proud of his latest professional blog post. What is Dave’s inspirational thought for the… Keep reading …