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  • Just The Four Questions of Us

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing a blue polo shirt, an Alabama sweatshirt, and shorts. What is one thing that’s making Dave happy today? Dave started a new book — and this one has drawings! What is Dave’s inspirational thought for… Keep reading …

  • Whimsy in Havana

    Whimsy in Havana

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    I wrote a post yesterday about a display of whimsy I discovered in Sarasota. I just realized that I didn’t mention one of the most whimsical places the Complimentary Spouse and I have ever visited: Havana, Cuba. When Americans think… Keep reading …

  • If There’s Something Strange in Your Neighborhood, Who Ya Gonna Call? The Four Questions!

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing a Bucs polo shirt and a pair of shorts. What is one thing that’s making Dave happy today? Dave had shakshuka for breakfast. It’s a traditional Middle Eastern breakfast dish with eggs and a… Keep reading …

  • How A-Door-Able!

    How A-Door-Able!

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    I often hear the word “whimsy” used to describe things that are weird, but I think the definition goes far beyond that. Whimsical things are quaint, imaginative, and surprising. They catch you off guard and make you smile. Here’s a… Keep reading …

  • Waiter! The Four Questions Would Like the Check, Please.

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing a sweatshirt! It’s finally cold in Florida!1 What is one thing that’s making Dave happy today? Dave is having a lovely weekend in Sarasota with the Complimentary Spouse. What is Dave’s inspirational thought for… Keep reading …

  • Mind Your I’s and E’s

    Mind Your I’s and E’s

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    I just realized I have accidentally called Britt the Complementary Spouse in a few recent posts. This is an error. He is the Complimentary Spouse. “But, Dave,” I can hear you say.1 “That’s incorrect grammar. Don’t you have an English… Keep reading …

  • Anniversary × 2

    Anniversary × 2

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    When the Complimentary Spouse and I met on October 29, 2002, it was unimaginable that we’d be married one day. So it just seemed natural that we’d celebrate our anniversary on October 29 each year. Fast forward to 2008. All… Keep reading …

  • The Four Questions Are the Mind-Killer

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing a blue short-sleeve button-down shirt and a pair of brown shorts. What is one thing that’s making Dave happy today? Dave was sent this meme by his friend Mike: What is Dave’s… Keep reading …

  • Author, Author

    Author, Author

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    I tend to read two books at a time — one serious, one fun — because that’s just how I roll. A few weeks ago, I was delighted to discover that both books I was reading shared a similar, and… Keep reading …

  • The Four Questions Can Be so Insensitive

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    What is Dave wearing today? Dave is wearing a forest green polo shirt and gray shorts. He looks like a tree. What is one thing that’s making Dave happy today? On his morning run, Dave saw a sunrise so beautiful that… Keep reading …