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  • πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ More Musical Numbers

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    Yesterday, I introduced my Song Gayness Rating System, which is probably bunk but was fun to create. Now let’s look at the scores for some well-known songs: Song Score Notes β€œBorn This Way” by Lady Gaga 136.5 Well, duh. β€œI… Keep reading …

  • πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Summing Up Gay Music

    πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Summing Up Gay Music

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    It’s time to hoist the rainbow flags! Today is the beginning of Pride Month, the most fabulous 30 days of the year. I’m kicking off this year’s Gayskool series with two playlists to get you in the mood for Pride.… Keep reading …

  • Traveling Violation

    Traveling Violation

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    Welcome to Mea Culpa Airlines. I’m your pilot, Dave. I’ve always prided myself on being non-directive when giving travel advice. When someone tells me they’re heading somewhere I’ve been, I never tell them they must do something or go somewhere.… Keep reading …

  • The More Things Change, The More I Write The Same

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    The first person to compliment me on my writing was Ms. Semchuk, my fifth-grade teacher. Since then, I’ve received a lot of praise for my writing style: it’s conversational and natural, engaging, and a bit goofy, with just the right… Keep reading …

  • Sedona Rocks!

    Sedona Rocks!

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    Now that you’ve slogged through the megillah about my energy vortex experience, let’s review the rest of my trip to Sedona. Expect more photos and less logorrhea this time. Scenic Rim and Schnebly Hill Road Pioneers T.C. and Sedona Schnebly… Keep reading …

  • Into the Vortex

    Into the Vortex

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    My first experience with mystical energy vortices began, as these things sometimes do, under angry gray clouds in the parking lot of the Sedona Public Library. After parking my rental car (a non-mystical Chevrolet Malibu from non-mystical Alamo in the… Keep reading …

  • Strike a Prose

    Strike a Prose

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    A friend of mine and I always joke that if you get more than two gay men of a certain age β€” over about forty-two, forty-three β€” in a room, the conversation has turned to Madonna within half an hour,… Keep reading …

  • DNF (Did Not Finish) and DNF (Did Not Fail)

    DNF (Did Not Finish) and DNF (Did Not Fail)

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    Not completing the Amsterdam Good Morning City Run β€” a short guided run the day before the Amsterdam Marathon β€” was one of the best things I’ve done this year. I didn’t make it to the end, but it was… Keep reading …

  • A Chickenshit Proposal [Update: Not Gonna Happen]

    A Chickenshit Proposal [Update: Not Gonna Happen]

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    10 p.m. update: People came out in force to decry the proposal. It looks like it’s not going anywhere. I’m delighted that someone discussed the impact shutting down Ybor would have on the LGBTQ community. Today, the Tampa City Council… Keep reading …

  • When Life Gives You Lemons, Eat Cheesesteaks and Make a Playlist

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    Getting from Camp David to Amsterdam last month was a comedy of errors, minus the comedy. There were delays, downgrades, rerouting, and some truly horrendous customer service. But two good things happened. First, I got to enjoy a cheesesteak at… Keep reading …