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  • A Chickenshit Proposal [Update: Not Gonna Happen]

    A Chickenshit Proposal [Update: Not Gonna Happen]

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    10 p.m. update: People came out in force to decry the proposal. It looks like it’s not going anywhere. I’m delighted that someone discussed the impact shutting down Ybor would have on the LGBTQ community. Today, the Tampa City Council… Keep reading …

  • When Life Gives You Lemons, Eat Cheesesteaks and Make a Playlist

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    Getting from Camp David to Amsterdam last month was a comedy of errors, minus the comedy. There were delays, downgrades, rerouting, and some truly horrendous customer service. But two good things happened. First, I got to enjoy a cheesesteak at… Keep reading …

  • Street Art, Minus the Street

    Street Art, Minus the Street

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    This was my immediate reaction when I discovered there’s an entire museum in Amsterdam dedicated to street art and graffiti: So, now that I’ve been to STRAAT, what did I think?1 I’m a bit conflicted. On the plus side, STRAAT… Keep reading …

  • Nature Walk

    Nature Walk

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    It has been a while since I posted some critter photos from Bayshore Boulevard. Here some recent animal encounters, starting with a dolphin sighting. It was early in the morning when I saw this squirrel, so he was more bright-eyed… Keep reading …

  • Don’t Cry Over Spilled … What?

    Don’t Cry Over Spilled … What?

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    Good glavin! After finding a Simpsons neologism in the New York Times crossword puzzle a few days ago, I discovered another Simpsons invention in the dairy aisle in Publix. Malk isn’t new. Nearly 30 years ago, Springfield Elementary School substituted… Keep reading …

  • He’s No Nostrodomus

    He’s No Nostrodomus

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    I saw the infamous Neil Horan doing his thing in London 10 years ago. He and the Bible got it wrong, but props for hedging his bets with the phrase “very probably.” Keep reading …

  • The Answer Wasn’t “Kwyjibo”

    The Answer Wasn’t “Kwyjibo”

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    As a diehard fan of the Simpsons — well, of the Golden Age of the Simpsons — I was ecstatic to see the clue for 1 Across in Saturday’s New York Times Crossword puzzle: The answer, of course, was … Keep reading …

  • Ruthless


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    The Complimentary Spouse looked up from his phone and said, “Did you see the email? Ruth Glickman died.” My heart sank. The world had just become colder. It had lost one of its warmest people.   From one perspective, Britt… Keep reading …

  • Just the Axe, Ma’am

    Just the Axe, Ma’am

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    The Complimentary Spouse and I are at the Jobsite Theater tonight to see Lizzie, a rock musical about axe murderer Lizzie Borden. I’d be neglecting my responsibilities as the world’s most cromulent Simpsons expert if I didn’t point out that… Keep reading …

  • The Best Laid Plans of Dogs and Men

    The Best Laid Plans of Dogs and Men

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    The hand-off was supposed to go down late at night on November 8, 2019, on Calle Compostela in the old part of Havana. There he was, resting in a doorway, indifferent to his surroundings. The street wasn’t too busy or… Keep reading …